Alumni Spotlight: Stephanie (Zeiler) Hawley, DMD '14

Stephanie ZeilerStephanie (Zeiler) Hawley, DMD attended Pitt-Greensburg from which she graduated in 2014 with a BS in biology and a minor in chemistry.

What brought you to Pitt-Greensburg?

What brought me without doubt was the affordability, but what kept me was the friends I made during my time as a student.

Were you a commuter or a resident?


What activities were you involved with as a student?

  • Tri Beta
  • Phi Eta Sigma
  • Phi Kappa Phi
  • SGA
  • ResLife
  • Presidential Ambassador
  • Tutoring
  • Habitat for Humanity

Did you have a favorite professor, staff member, coach, or mentor that really impacted your life?

Many members of the science faculty. Most notably are Professor Barnhart, Professor Cheek, Dr. Luderer, and Dr. Long.

Of all the classes you took, what is the one class that most impacted you or was your favorite? Why?

Definitely studying C.Elegans in capstone with Dr. Long. A close second for the memories would be cross enrolling with my friend Danielle to take anatomy.

What do you remember most vividly from your time at Pitt-Greensburg?

All of the friends I made, but most vividly would be my senior year in the Academic Village and living with my friends. I also really enjoyed the Habitat for Humanity Spring Break trips.

What have you been up to since graduation?

Upon graduating in 2014, I went to Pitt's Dental School in Oakland and received my DMD. After graduating, I worked as an army dentist and was stationed in various states in the Midwest. While in Kansas, I met my husband Dan, and we got married in Nashville, TN, in 2022. We welcomed our first baby, Jackson in spring 2023. Together we have also adopted two dogs and two cats. We have moved around a lot, but we recently bought a house near St. Louis, MO.

How did your experiences and education at Pitt-Greensburg prepare you for life after college?

My undergraduate studies built the foundations for attending Pitt's Dental School and working as an Army Dentist.

As an alum, how do you support Pitt-Greensburg?

I am no longer in the Pittsburgh area, but I try to keep up on the campus news and donate when I can.

What advice do you have for your fellow Bobcats?

Get involved in as much as you can on campus and meet people. The friendships you make will last a lifetime.

For fun:

What song do you always sing along to? Without a doubt, any Disney song for sure, especially if it's from The Little Mermaid!

List 3-5 fun facts about yourself that most people probably wouldn’t know.

  1. I was the 2011 Valedictorian for my high school, Lake-Lehman.
  2. I honeymooned to Iceland in 2022.
  3. I can recreate any crochet design with a good enough picture.
  4. My husband and I have competed in several triathlons across the country.