Alumni Spotlight: Adam DiCarlo '06

Adam DiCarloAdam DiCarolo attended Pitt-Greensburg from which he graduated in 2006 with a BA in criminal justice. In February, Adam was inducted into the Pitt-Greensburg Athletics Hall of Fame.

What brought you to Pitt-Greensburg?

I received a call to play soccer.

Were you a commuter or a resident?


What activities were you involved with as a student?

I was involved in everything intramural sports-related.

Did you have a favorite professor, staff member, coach, or mentor that really impacted your life?

One person who I felt I could go to was Simeon, a now retired campus police officer.

Of all the classes you took, what is the one class that most impacted you or was your favorite? Why?

The classes that I received an "A" in. Those were hard to come by – Haha!

What do you remember most vividly from your time at Pitt-Greensburg?

I made some really good friends during my time and very rarely got lost on campus. Also, no AC in Robert Shaw -- which made the warmer months pretty difficult.

What have you been up to since graduation?

I legally changed my last name, got married, and moved to Florida for a few years. Eventually, I ended up in Charlotte, NC. I have two kids and one on the way. My wife and I own a pediatric speech and occupational company. We started this back in 2020, right before COVID.

How did your experiences and education at Pitt-Greensburg prepare you for life after college?

It helps you to learn how to live on your own and not to be so dependent on others.

As an alum, how do you support Pitt-Greensburg?

I follow the teams and enjoy seeing them excel.

What advice do you have for your fellow Bobcats?

Enjoy it, because it goes by fast.

For fun:

What series do you recommend alumni binge watch? Reacher

List 3-5 fun facts about yourself that most people probably wouldn’t know.

1. My wife and I were on Season 10 of Trading Spaces.
2. I hold five records for the men’s soccer.
3. I was married in the Dominican Republic.
4. I ran a 4.4 second 40-yard dash.
5. I ran an 11.3 second 100-yard dash with a fractured hip.