
There is always an opportunity for Pitt-Greensburg students to give their time and resources! Pitt-Greensburg Volunteer Groups 


Circle K International (CKI)

Circle K is the premier group for college students looking to serve their communities and gain leadership experience. Nearly 13,000 college students around the world participate in CKI.  The Pitt-Greensburg CKI is supported and sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Greensburg. For more info, visit CKI online

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity logoThe Pitt-Greensburg Habitat for Humanity campus chapter has been at Pitt-Greensburg since 2006. This student group supports the mission of Habitat for Humanity International. We advocate for:

  • simple, decent, affordable housing
  • fundraising for Habitat home builds
  • participating in build projects here in the Greensburg community and beyond.

Outdoor Adventure & Community Service (OACS)

OACS is a residential living community located in Westmoreland Hall. OACS provides its members with experiential learning activities in a nontraditional setting. The outdoor adventure component is designed to develop interpersonal and leadership skills. The community service component instills responsibility and engages students in the community. The intended outcome is a more well-rounded, holistic student. Visit OACS

Into the Streets

Each semester the Office of Student Life and Success also hosts a multiple-day service event called Into the Streets. Into the Streets allows members of our campus Community to give back to the greater Westmoreland area.  Past events have included:

  • making blankets for Children's Hospital
  • volunteering at local food banks
  • delivering dog treats to local shelters
  • volunteering at the Delmont Public Library
  • hanging flyers for Big Brothers, Big Sisters

and many others. Be on the lookout each semester for more opportunities to give back.