Outdoor Adventure and Community Service (OACS)

Since 2005, Pitt-Greensburg has offered a unique living environment for those passionate about adventure in the outdoors, as well as community service. The OACS living community provides its members with activities in a nontraditional setting. The outdoor adventure component fosters interpersonal and leadership skills. The community service component instills responsibility and engages students in their communities. The intended outcome is a more well-rounded, holistic student. Students who join OACS live together in one wing of Westmoreland Hall. But many of our members also live in other areas of campus, participating as "non-resident" members.

Outdoor Adventure

The Outdoor Adventure component allows students to engage in challenging, risk-taking activities in a socially acceptable way. Although the perceived risk in many of these activities is high, the actual risk and danger is low. Members share many exhilarating outdoor experiences with one another throughout the year. In the past, some of those activities have included:

  • whitewater rafting
  • hiking
  • caving
  • wilderness survival courses
  • camping
  • rock climbing
  • snowshoeing
  • snow tubing
  • paintball
  • skiing
  • horseback riding

and more. The calendar of events is planned and implemented by the members themselves. All activities are challenge-by-choice.

Community Service

The Community Service component enables members to give back to local communities. Providing service to the community is a key trademark of the OACS experience. OACS has volunteered with many of nonprofit agencies in the area, ranging from the Westmoreland County Food Bank to the Ronald McDonald House in Pittsburgh. Members provide valuable service outside of the Pitt-Greensburg campus.

For more information on the OACS community, you can e-mail us at upg.oacs@gmail.com; or email director Brian Root at b.k.root@pitt.edu