The Aaron Slafka Memorial Service Award

The Political Science program and the political science honor society, Pi Sigma Alpha, are engaged in fundraising for the Aaron Slafka Memorial Service Award which was created in 2014. Aaron, a 2008 Political Science graduate, was a respected student leader and athlete, who loved Pitt-Greensburg. He passed away unexpectedly, in April 2014, at the age of 29 after a long battle with epilepsy. This award is presented to a junior or senior majoring in Political Science and who is able to demonstrate service to the University, as well as perseverance and the ability to overcome adversity. Visit this page for more information on the scholarship.

The Slafka Award was awarded for the first time on April 10, 2015 to Pitt-Greensburg student James Decker. On April 11, 2016, LaRonn Brown became the second recipient of the award.

To make this a permanently endowed award, we must raise at least $10,000 in five years. To this end we are currently doing a number of fundraising opportunities for the award and its sustainment into the future. Please consider giving in any way you can, even small amounts from many donors will get us to our goal. There are several ways to contribute:

Donations through Pitt-Greensburg

You can donate to Pitt-Greensburg, indicating to direct the gift to the Aaron Slafka Memorial Award.

Aaron Slafka Memorial Fundraising Raffles

We have held raffles the last two years to raise money for this fund, check back later this year for information on this year's raffle.

Go Fund Me Drive

We raised over $1200 through the Campaign two years ago. We will be restarting this again this year, links to follow.

Thanks for any and all support!