Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award Winners

Year Faculty Name
2019 Professor Barbara Barnhart, Biological Science
2017 Dr. Melissa Marks, Education
2015 Dr. William Pamerleau, Philosophy
2014 Dr. Sayre Greenfield, English
2011 Dr. Matthew Luderer, Chemistry
2004 Professor Stephen Murabito, English
2002 Dr. Walter Orange, Mathematics
2002 Dr. Mary Beth Spore, English
2000 Assistant Professor Joanne J. Viano, French
1999 Dr. Richard Blevins, English
1997 Dr. Lillian Beeson, Communication
1996 Dr. Anthony Boldurian, Anthropology
1994 Dr. Mark McColloch, History
1992 Professor Judith Vollmer, English Writing
1990 Dr. Ted Zaleskiewicz, Physics
1989 Dr. Nancy Estrada, Hispanic Languages and Literature
1986 Dr. Diane Marsh, Psychology

Barbara Barnhart, MEd

2019 Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

“Barbara Barnhart personifies Pitt to the Power of One,” said Sharon P. Smith, PhD, president of Pitt-Greensburg. “She brings a passion for her subject, a devotion to her students, a commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, and a dedication to fostering a similar commitment among her colleagues and her students.” – Sharon P. Smith, president of Pitt-Greensburg

Melissa Marks, EdD

2017 Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

“Dr. Marks’ scholarly activity is aimed at extending our understanding of differences and their effect on how students learn. Her Master’s thesis, ‘The Necessity of Multicultural Education in Public School with a Focus on Social Studies,’ informs her commitment to add strong elements of diversity to our Education curriculum. Throughout her 14 years with Pitt-Greensburg, Dr. Marks has brought a passion for her subject, a devotion to her students, a commitment to excellence, and a dedication to make a difference in high schools through the future teachers she nurtures.” — Sharon P. Smith, PhD, president of Pitt-Greensburg

Dr. Sayre Greenfield

2014 Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

“Dr. Greenfield joined the Pitt-Greensburg faculty in 1994 and quickly established himself as one of our most talented, innovative, and popular teachers. He has brought a passion for his subject, a devotion to his students, a commitment to excellence, and a dedication to continuing innovation and improvement in his teaching methods.” — Sharon P. Smith, PhD, president of Pitt-Greensburg

Dr. Matthew Luderer

2011 Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

"This honor recognizes your many contributions to the Biology and Chemistry curricula of the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg. Your development of a new Organic Chemistry laboratory manual, published by McGraw Hill in 2007, is one example of your many contributions to student learning. As is evident from your outstanding student evaluations, your classroom teaching is inspiring while simultaneously making a traditionally difficult subject, Organic Chemistry, enjoyable for your students. Your efficacy as a teacher is demonstrated in the 45 students who sought you to mentor them through their undergraduate senior capstone experiences. You consistently provide your students with the tools and methods to pursue their professional goals. The University is proud to reward your commitment to excellence in teaching with this award."

Professor Stephen Murabito

2004 Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

You are being honored for the important contributions you have made to the Writing Program at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg over the past 16 years. Your successful college composition textbook, Connections, Contexts, and Possibilities, integrates your teaching and professional interests by incorporating the writing of your students. Students benefit from your classroom organization, ability to promote discussion, constructive feedback, and the enthusiasm you have displayed across a range of teaching assignments. You have inspired them to find their own voices and reach high goals. The English Writing Workshop that you founded -- and for years directed -- has enhanced the education and elevated the confidence of countless students. It has also provided a valuable experience for the advanced undergraduate tutors you mentored and afforded the opportunity to present their ideas at professional conferences. We are proud to recognize your teaching accomplishments by honoring you with this award. Congratulations!

Dr. Mary Beth Spore

2002 Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

This award honors your dedication to the undergraduate teaching of writing skills courses and children's literature. And the numerous contributions you have made to your department and campus over the past 19 years. As co-founder, teacher and advisor in the College Skills Program, you have strengthened the academic and study skills of underprepared but motivated students, making their goal of a college education achievable. The annual Pitt-Greensburg Children's Literature Conference you developed brings nationally-known speakers to campus to interact with community librarians and teachers and serves as a forum for your students to present their research. Your students recognize you as that special teacher they will remember all of their lives. This University-wide honor extends that recognition of your teaching excellence.

Dr. Walter Orange

2002 Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

This honor recognizes the enthusiasm and outstanding teaching skills you have consistently demonstrated for over thirteen years in a variety of courses, from basic Algebra to Advanced Probability and Statistics. Because of your meticulous preparation, clarity of presentation, excellent pacing and use of real-life examples, your students have increased their understanding and interest in mathematics. You have shared your love for the history of mathematics through your lectures for the Pitt-Greensburg Natural Sciences Academic Village. The University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg acknowledged your accomplishments by selecting you for their Distinguished Teaching Award in 2000. This University-wide honor now extends that recognition of your teaching excellence.

Assistant Professor Joanne J. Viano

2000 Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

"For the last 33 years, Joanne J. Viano has taught various courses to majors and non-majors at the Greensburg campus, including French, English composition, medieval literature, the Bible as literature, and college skills. You have been meticulous in course preparation and refine your courses each time they are taught," Nordenberg noted. "You care deeply about your students, accommodate their various learning styles and encourage them to strive for excellence in their studies. Your own commitment to lifelong learning, ranging from studying biblical Hebrew to your medieval studies at Cambridge University during your summers, infuses your courses with new ideas and your students with your passion for learning." - University Times

Dr. Richard L. Blevins

1999 Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

Your selection for this honor recognizes your 20 years of outstanding teaching at the Greensburg campus in a variety of courses and within the areas of English literature, creative writing and composition. You have implemented different and innovative approaches to teaching in different instructional settings and have consistently encouraged students to challenge themselves. By sharing not only your knowledge, but who you are, you have helped students gain an understanding of themselves and "find their own voices". Your contributions to curricular reform and your mentoring of large numbers of students have enriched the intellectual climate on campus, gaining you the respect of both students and colleagues. In addition to teaching, you have maintained a high level of scholarship, evidenced by your publications of poetry, nonfiction and literary criticism and your national reputation as an editor, literary critic and scholar. Your campus has acknowledged your contributions by awarding you their distinguished teaching award; the University now extends that recognition of your excellence in teaching.

Dr. Lillian Beeson

1997 Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

"Chancellor Nordenberg (himself a past recipient of the teaching award) cited Beeson's "single-handed and tireless efforts in the development of the communications major at Greensburg" and her long-term commitment to teaching and supporting students in and outside of the classroom. Nordenberg quoted one of Beeson's colleagues, who referred to her as "one of these magicians, inspiring students with her passion, her energy, her creativity and her commitment."
-University Times

Dr. Anthony Boldurian

1996 Chancellor’s Distinguished Teaching Award Winner

"Boldurian was praised by Nordenberg for his "single-handed development of the Pitt-Greensburg curriculum in archeology," as well as his innovative teaching methods, his involvement of students in field work, and his integration of research and teaching." -University Times