SSME Testimonials & History

Student Testimonials

  • It was one of the best weeks of my summer
  • I had an amazing time. I learned so much about different fields of science.
  • This is an amazing program.
  • This camp has me thinking about a career in chemistry.
  • This program allowed me to think about science beyond the classroom.
  • It was fun to have hands-on experiences with science and not just looking at a textbook.
  • This was an experience that I will never forget.
  • I had so much fun, I don’t even know where to begin!
  • Who knew science could be so much fun?
  • SSME changed my thoughts about science.

Parent Testimonials

  • As parents, we are grateful for the wonderful adventure and education that you have provided.
  • SSME is a great opportunity and experience for our youth to be introduced to math and science from college professors.
  • My son had a wonderful experience. He was hesitant about going, but when we picked him up, he couldn’t stop talking about all the fun he had learning about science.
  • My daughter was selected to attend SSME, and the overall experience completely surpassed our expectations. My daughter returned home with a new appreciation of the science field.
  • I would encourage any parent who has the opportunity to send their child to do so.
  • This experience helped bring out how much fun science and math actually can be.
  • It is wonderful to give our children and chance of a lifetime like SSME.

History of SSME

The visionary and founder of this program is the late Dr. Ted Zaleskiewicz, emeritus professor of physics at Pitt-Greensburg. Dr. Zaleskiewicz wanted to create a program that would get young students excited about science and math. The SSME program is designed to help students, going into the ninth grade, to experience the wonder and excitement of the science and math fields. He felt that by exposing students to the applications of scientific reasoning on a higher level, SSME could break down barriers that impede so many students. This experience could open their eyes and minds to exciting career possibilities in the STEM fields.