External Scholarship Opportunities

Below you can explore a selection of scholarship opportunities vetted by our Financial Aid office. Click the scholarship name for more details and application information. Please be sure to carefully read the specifications and eligibility requirements of the scholarship(s) you are interested in.

Scholarship Submission Due Date
Citizens Bank Scholarship (PDF) Ongoing
Pennsylvania Army National Guard (PDF) Ongoing
Army ROTC (PDF) Ongoing
AAUW Scholarship for Women July 31, 2024

Pitt Fund$ Me

PittFund$Me connects you with real, relevant scholarships. As an admitted Pitt student, you can log into PittFund$Me and answer a series of profile questions. The adaptive matching engine will display scholarship opportunities that are tailored to you. And don’t worry – you’ll only see institutional scholarships and vetted outside scholarships so you can be confident as you submit your scholarship applications. You have to own the scholarship search process – and we know it’s important to you. That’s why we want to help make it as easy as possible for you to feel totally in control.

  • Log into my.pitt.edu and search for PittFund$Me
  • Set up a profile
  • Refresh your profile often (recommended at once per semester)
  • Apply for the scholarships that interest you