The Pell Plus Program

What is the Pell Plus Program?

A college degree is one of the most important and life-changing investments than an individual (and their family) can make. At the University of Pittsburgh, we believe that a student should not miss out on this experience due to financial circumstances that are - in many instances - largely out of their control. This is why we support a range of access and affordability initiatives that can help the best and brightest students thrive at Pitt.

The Pell Plus Program is offered to students who are eligible for a  Federal Pell Grant. The Pell Plus Program will match any Federal Pell Grant awarded up to the federal maximum Pell Grant amount of $7,395 for the 2023-2024 academic year, thus reducing overall student loan debt.

How do I know if I can benefit from this program?

All students who are eligible for a Federal Pell Grant, will receive the Pell Plus Grant. 

Am I eligible for the Pell Plus Program if I am a part-time student?

Yes. Part-time students are eligible for the Pell Plus Program.