Creative and Professional Writing

The Power of One Experience

"A writing class is one of the few places where your life still matters.” – Richard Hugo

This idea is at the center of Pitt-Greensburg's Creative & Professional Writing Program.

Our program offers individualized mentoring by caring, award-winning authors who love to teach. We’ll prepare you for careers in publishing, digital storytelling, public relations, and more.

See what our alumni have to say about our program »

We pride ourselves in being one of the best little writing programs in the country. Our students’ successes – from publishing books with major and independent presses, to careers in journalism, editing, and publishing – says it all.

Our writing community acknowledges the importance of artistic growth and expression. We also keep a sharp focus on the practical needs of our graduates to make both a living and a difference.

Our classes in:

  • Travel Writing
  • Memoir Writing
  • Food Writing
  • Writing in the World
  • Writing and Healing Arts

will help you to see writing as an integral, essential part of your life. Writing is something you can share with others to make your life and our world better!
