Faculty and Staff Campaign

Partners in Excellence campaign logo

We appreciate the dedication that you show by participating in our Partners in Excellence Faculty and Staff Campaign!  We hope we can count on your donation this year.

Can I designate my gift?
Of course. Tell us where to direct your support!  Here is a list of scholarships, endowments, and funds to which you can donate.  If you don’t have a preference, we suggest the President’s Discretionary Fund, which always goes to the greatest needs on campus.

We are also spotlighting the Smith Hall Renovation project. State-of-the-art facilities are needed if students and faculty are to perform at the highest level.

During the last fiscal year, the top three funds that received the most donations were:

  • Life Sciences Building
  • President’s Discretionary Fund
  • the PGAA Student Emergency Fund.

How much should I contribute?
Gifts of all sizes are both appreciated and count toward our participation rate. High participation among faculty, staff, and administrators stands as an endorsement of Pitt-Greensburg.

Will others know the amount of my gift or where I direct my contribution?
No, we do not release gift amounts or designations.

Is my spouse's company able to match my contributions?
You may be able to double (or possibly triple) your gift. Many companies match gifts that their employees make to higher education. In many cases, a gift may even be matched by a spouse’s employer!

Contact the human resources department at the spouse's workplace to get more information on the options offered. While each company has its own procedure, oftentimes the process includes these easy steps:

  • Request a Matching Gift Form from the company.
  • Submit the completed form with your donation.
  • Pitt will verify the gift information and return it to the employer.
  • The employer issues a matching gift contribution to Pitt.

Make your contribution now!

You can donate via:

Check - Send check and linked pledge card in the mail to Sheila Kudrick at 211 Lynch Hall.

Payroll Deduction - Indicate:

  • the amount you would like to automatically deduct from each paycheck
  • the start date
  • the fund that you would like to support. A donation as small as $12.50 a month grows to $150 a year.

Credit card - You can pay online by clicking on the credit card link or by calling 724-836-7039. If you pay online, make sure to mark Faculty or Staff as your affiliation.