Sheila Elaine Confer EdD

Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies, Director, Academic Village

Sheila Confer, Assistant Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies and Academic Village Director, teaches Basic Acting, Women in Theatre, Principles of Stage Lighting, Social Science Cornerstone, and Wellness and Resilience for College and Beyond. She also served as Lighting Designer for the campus productions between 1999 and 2016.

    Education & Training

  • EdD in Social and Comparative Analysis in Education, University of Pittsburgh
  • 2017-18 - PACWC Spotlight on Women Leaders
  • 2017-18 – Nancy B. Florez Estrada Advisor of the Year
  • 2016 - Iris Marion Young Award for Political Engagement
  • 2014 - Chancellor’s Award for Distinguished Staff Service at the University of Pittsburgh
Research Grants

Building and Ecosystem of Wellness Across the University of Pittsburgh Campuses and Communities - Pitt SEED 2022

Encouraging Faculty, Staff, and Student Participation in Primary Prevention of Gender Based Violence - Pitt SEED Special Cycle, 2019