Men's Basketball Alumni Club

The nexus between now and then

PGAA Men's Basketball Alumni Club logoMen's Basketball Alumni Club

Formed in 2016 as the first official alumni club under the guidelines of the Pitt-Greensburg Alumni Association (PGAA), the Pitt-Greensburg Men's Basketball Alumni Club (MBAC) is a social and fellowship club with the objective of preserving the past and promoting the future of the Pitt-Greensburg Men's Basketball program.


MBAC Names New Officers in 2022

The MBAC made some changes to its officers in July 2022.  Andy Garsteck '74 was named president. Jim Murphy '76 will serve as vice-president. Gene Brisbane, MEd '74, '79 EDUC moved into the treasurer's position.   Bernie Cobetto '78 remains as secretary.  Dom Domasky '00 has been named social media coordinator.

Team photoMBAC Planning Reunions to celebrate 50th, 20th & 15th Team Anniversaries

The Men’s Basketball Alumni Club (MBAC) is planning a reunion game for November 30, 2019.  Next year, marks the 20th anniversary of the four-year program’s back-to-back AMCC championship seasons, the 15th anniversary of the regular season AMCC championship, and the 50th anniversary of Pitt-Greensburg athletics.  If you are interested in helping with or attending the event, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at 724-836-7496 or, or MBAC member Harry Bowser (’72) at

Shooting machine photoMBAC Members Donate Shooting Machine to Pitt-Greensburg Basketball Teams

Members of MBAC generously donated a shooting machine to the Pitt-Greensburg Men and Women’s Basketball teams in January 2018.  After identifying the need with Men’s Basketball Coach Brody Jackson, the MBAC officers sought donations, and support from MBAC members, current players’ families, and friends of the program.  In December, the club raised enough funds to procure the equipment.  The machine arrived in January, and the teams are currently using it in practice. MBAC is hoping to provide future assistance to the teams. If you’d like to help or become involved with MBAC, please contact the Office of Alumni Relations at or 724-836-7496.

The Pitt-Greensburg Men’s and Women’s teams play through February. For the Bobcat Basketball schedule, please visit this website.

Alumni photoMBAC Members Celebrate Holidays at Welcome Home Shelter

MBAC partnered with St. Michael’s Orthodox Church (Greensburg) to make the holidays merry and bright for the families staying at the Welcome Home Shelter in Greensburg.  MBAC and church members hosted a Christmas party at the shelter on Thursday, December 21, 2017, at 7 p.m.  Each child received three gifts from their wish list, a coat, and a stocking.

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