Spring 2025
The research listed below was listed as exempt from review by the Pitt Human Subjects Review Board, meaning they cause you no harm. At the end of the semester, Dr. Phillips sends each PSY professor a list of students, what classes they are in that are offering extra credit, and the number of surveys completed.
Surveys for the Pitt-Greensburg Psychology Student
Complete the survey below only once each semester when you complete a survey, you are directed to a second survey to type in the name and class you want extra credit for, which cannot be linked to the answers on the survey you took.
- In this study, the researcher is exploring the possible relation between choices of hypothetical amounts and infidelity in relationships. You must be 18 years or older to participate.
Surveys for the Pitt-Greensburg Psychology student's friends or family 18 or older
- Each person should take each survey below once each semester.
- Students, ask multiple friends to take the surveys!
- Survey for any friends/relatives 18 or older of the Pitt-Greensburg Psychology student: concerns one’s beliefs, including religious (even if they aren’t religious).
- Survey for only Christian friends/relatives 18 or older of Pitt-Greensburg Psychology student: addresses one’s religious beliefs, views on women and other groups.