Psychology Career Possibilities

Did you know?

Psychology can lead to many careers, not just ones that involve counseling clients. There is more than one path to the same destination. Some people working in their dream job went straight there but most didn't.

Are you interested in a particular career? See if you can find someone who has that job and ask how they got there! They may have advice about how to reach your career goals and what to avoid.

In most cases, a doctorate (PhD, PsyD, EdD, etc) is not required to have a successful career helping others.

Many of our students get a masters degree in counseling, social work, or marriage and family therapy.

Getting a masters degree in social work (MSW) doesn't mean you have to become a social worker. Many therapy and counseling positions are held by those with an MSW. What's most important is to have a state license. An MSW is one of the degrees that leads to a license.

You can start working in your field with a bachelor's degree.

Many of our students get entry-level jobs in the area to get experience. You can see if a career in counseling is right for you before going to graduate school. You also can start saving money and/or paying off debts.  More experience often leads to a stronger application for graduate study and a greater chance of getting accepted!

We have a Career Services office on campus.

Career Services can help you:

  • find a job
  • choose a graduate school
  • learn about requirements for admission

and much more! Stop by their office in the Student Life and Success hallway upstairs in Chambers Hall to find out more.