History Alumni

What it means to be a graduate of our program.

Kiara DeVore, Class of '21

"The history program is one of the best on campus. A biased statement, yes, but the professors are there to guide and help you succeed in your endeavors from the moment you step onto campus. History is a subject that many people tend to dislike, but the professors in this department are amazing in their ability to make students think critically and see past personal biases and perceptions. What I enjoyed the most about the history department is that you get to know your professors on a one-on-one basis and the relationships that are formed can help you have opportunities that you did not know were possible. For example, I have had the ability to become a member of a seed grant program through one of my history professors, and I was also an undergraduate research assistant with another. This program has allowed to me develop my love for history and make the decision to continue my education into graduate studies. It showed me that if I have the drive and passion for what I love, I can find the right niche in order to develop and grow."

– Kiara DeVore, 2021. History Major, Spanish Minor & Digital Studies Certificate. MLitt student in Classics, University of St Andrews, Scotland, UK

Explore a recent feature on Kiara's Capstone project »

Cameron Collins, Class of '20

"When I enrolled as a history major at Pitt-Greensburg, I was expecting to be taught enough historical content to be able to present it in my classroom. Instead, I was transformed into an historian, fully equipped with the historical thinking skills of inquiry, research and comparison. I owe it to the Pitt-Greensburg History faculty for enriching my classroom."

– Cameron Collins, 2020. History and Education double major, High School History Teacher, MD

Kendra Moxon, Class of '20

"Pitt-Greensburg has made a huge impact on every aspect of my life. Whether a history major or minor like myself, the History department is phenomenal. The skills, strategies, and relationships that are built within this department will last forever!"

– Kendra Moxon, 2020. English and Education double major, History minor. High School English Teacher, FL.

Haley Stonebraker, Class of '20

"The History Department at Pitt-Greensburg shaped me as an historian, teacher, and person. The strategies and skills I learned during my college years I use in my classroom every day. I have the history professors at Pitt-Greensburg to thank for helping me to become the teacher and historian I am now."

– Haley Stonebraker, 2020. History and Education double major, Western Heights Middle School Teacher, MD.

Alex Fell, Class of '19

"While at Pitt-Greensburg, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was (happily) a history major and I found my history classes fulfilling and thought-provoking, but besides becoming a teacher or a “scholar”, I was unsure of what you could do with it.

Now, two years removed from college and working in finance, I couldn’t be more pleased with my decision to major in history at Pitt-Greensburg. I genuinely believe that history can be a beneficial major regardless of career path because of the development of two key skills: writing and critical thinking.

Developing the ability to write cohesively and professionally is one of the most important skills in the real world. There’s nothing more embarrassing then seeing a co-worker send an email to over 100 recipients and misuse “there”, “their”, and “they’re” multiple times.

Similar to being able to write professionally, the ability to think critically is invaluable. Of course, memorizing a list of dates and places is boring, but that’s not how a real history course should be taught. History isn’t just about what happened, it’s about the discussion of why those things happened, who benefited, their motivations, and how this information can be applied to the future.

History for me is currently just a hobby, limited to reading books and watching documentaries. However, I use the skills I developed in my history courses at Pitt-Greensburg every day, and I am certain they will continue to be cornerstones in shaping my future career, regardless of where I may be.

– Alex Fell, 2019. History & Public Policy double Major. Sr. Rep, Collateral Management – BNY Mellon

Elias Imbroglio, Class of '17

"Growing up from an area with limited diversity, the history department at Pitt-Greensburg has taught me to see situations from multiple perspectives. It has taught me to view things with objectivity in order to see what the best outcome would be for that scenario. Pitt-Greensburg’s history program has given me the opportunity to travel and study history through an immersive experience with study abroad classes in Spain and Cuba. Learning history in a small classroom has been important, but being able to see and study it in the actual locations has been all the more beneficial to me.

Teaching Social Studies in middle school the past few years, with the knowledge and practices gained through the history program at Pitt-Greensburg, I have been able to provide thought provoking history and geography lessons that keeps students wanting more. My class is easy to operate and teach when it is run through student inquiry and things that they find interesting and question about. Gaining the skills of primary and secondary source analysis, I am able to facilitate what I've learned through the program and present it to my students. It has allowed me to present my social studies teaching in a way that history, and social studies, is not always good: history is history. There are some exceptional things that humanity has done in history, but it is important to teach it as a whole and in an objective way so that we may learn from it."

– Elias Imbroglio, 2017. Double major in History and Secondary Education. Middle School Social Studies Teacher, Doral Academy, Las Vegas, NV

Logan Holmes, Class of '15

"The History Program at Pitt-Greensburg helped refine the technical writing skills that have been an asset in my profession. The individual attention that students are able to receive from the program faculty is invaluable in both educating students in the field and guiding them in finding direction in the future."

– Logan Holmes, 2015. History & Political Science double major. NDE Technician.

Aaron Hollis, Class of '14

"Although I was not a history major at Pitt-Greensburg, the department was still influential and helpful with my career. The classes I took improved my critical thinking skills, written and verbal communication, and my abilities to research in primary and secondary sources. Most importantly, faculty get to know and become invested in their students’ success. That investment continued after graduation and helped me to attend graduate school and begin a career in a history museum, so I am grateful for the mentorship and friendships developed in the history department at Pitt-Greensburg."

– Aaron Hollis, 2014. Anthropology Major. MA in Public History, West Virgina University, 2018. Director of Education at West Overton Village & Museums, Scottdale, PA.

James Weir, Class of '14

"The time I spent as a student and History major at Pitt-Greensburg provided me many benefits and opportunities. The smaller class sizes allowed me to grow close relationships with my professors, including the opportunity to work as a research assistant under Dr. Pilar M. Herr. Studying Latin American History also inspired me to study abroad in Peru, as well as take a weeklong trip to Spain. These experiences greatly impacted me both personally and academically. While I did not pursue History in graduate school, the writing and research skills I learned greatly helped me in my graduate studies. My experiences working with students and professors, including presenting research, helped build my confidence and public speaking skills which helped me when I started my career as a public school teacher. I consider my time at Pitt-Greensburg one of the best experiences of my life, and I am thankful for the knowledge, skills, and opportunities I gained there."

– James Weir, 2014. History major, Spanish minor, Certificate in Latin American Studies, MA in World Languages, Literature and Linguistics (Concentration in TESOL), West Virginia University. Currently a High School ESL and World History Teacher in Virginia.