English Literature Opportunities


  • Pitt-Greensburg Scholarships
  • The Green Scholar Program

    Faculty members submit proposals nominating students for Green Scholarships. Selection to the program reflects the student’s academic accomplishments and the confidence shown in the student by the faculty member making the nomination. The Green Scholar program is made possible through funding from the Jack Buncher Foundation and the R.K. Mellon Foundation. Four of our majors, Deidre Stuffer, Joseph Saccamago Jr., Megan Hughes, and Rebecca Parker have been awarded funding as Green Scholars to work closely on research projects with our faculty. Deidre Stuffer spoke at the graduation ceremony as valedictorian of the class of 2011, and she won a $5,000 Phi Kappa Phi Fellowship to help support her graduate studies in English literature at the University of Wisconsin - Madison.
  • The Junior/Senior Essay in Literature Prize is an annual award ($500) for a research essay on literature from your Pitt-Greensburg coursework. This prize is open to any student who has completed 60 or more credits and has taken at least two English Literature courses. For more information, email Professor Sayre Greenfield.
  • McWhinney Junior and Senior Scholarships - One scholarship for a Junior and one for a Senior at Pitt-Greensburg who excels in writing and communication. Must meet GPA requirements: 3.50 or above in major, and 3.25 overall. Must be nominated by English faculty or any senior faculty at Pitt-Greensburg.

Career/Internship Information

Majors in the Pitt-Greensburg English Literature program have gone on to publish books with  important publishing houses, to become software engineers, lawyers, university and high-school instructors, publicity agents, librarians heading divisions at major universities, and much more.

Defining your path to success in English Literature »

Explore the successful internship experiences completed by the following English Literature students - and learn more about finding an internship!

Clubs/Honor Societies/Organizations

Phi Kappa Phi, the interdisciplinary senior Honor Society.

Sigma Tau Delta, the international English Honor Society. The Pitt-Greensburg chapter of Sigma Tau Delta English meets frequently, holds celebrations of literature, and encourages attendance and presentation at the national conference.

Graduate Studies

 Pitt-Greensburg English Literature graduates regularly go into Master’s programs in English and occasionally into PhD programs.

Students Presenting at Conferences

Each year, our students present their original work at international and regional undergraduate conferences around the country. To be eligible to read their work, students must apply by sending papers or abstracts to conference organizers. When they apply, our English majors are usually successful in placing their work. Our students have established a tradition of presenting their literary research papers, poetry, and creative nonfiction at the annual Sigma Tau Delta International Convention without missing a year since 2006. We typically send between five or seven students to speak and participate in roundtable discussions with other chapters, and in some years this has involved out-of-state travel to Louisville, Minneapolis, St. Louis, New Orleans, and Portland, OR. We had a record of twelve students present their work at the 2006 convention when it was held nearby in Pittsburgh. The next Sigma Tau Delta Convention will be held in Savannah, Georgia in February 2014, and we look forward to active participation from our students. 

Students have also presented papers at regional conferences, including the English Association of Pennsylvania State Universities (EAPSU) Convention, and the Undergraduate Conference in Literature at the University of Pittsburgh's Oakland campus. More information on Sigma Tau Delta's annual international conferences.