Criminal Justice Opportunities


Pitt-Greensburg Scholarships

Career/Internship Information

Pitt-Greensburg Career Services

The career possibilities with a Criminal Justice degree are endless. Many of our students pursue law enforcement upon completion of their degree. But our program can prepare you for any career in the field.

Some careers that our alumni have pursued include:

  • FBI Special Agent
  • probation officer
  • municipal police officer
  • PA state trooper
  • correctional officer

One of our alumni is currently Assistant District Attorney for Allegheny County.

You will regularly have the opportunity to interact with alumni. We frequently have them speak to students about their professional experiences in the field. Learn more »

Our students have completed internships at over 100 sites including:

  • law enforcement agencies at every level
  • law offices
  • courthouses
  • prisons
  • probation offices
  • juvenile treatment facilities
  • loss prevention at local businesses

These internships help you build your personal network of professionals in the field. Many of our students are able to secure employment with those same agencies upon graduating.

Explore the successful internship experiences completed by the following Criminal Justice students - and learn more about finding an internship!

Clubs/Honor Societies/Organizations

Our Criminal Justice Club is an active campus organization that is open to all students. Our organization develops programming that can add to your classroom work and experience. Activities include:

  • field trips to local, state, and federal correctional facilities
  • movie discussions
  • professional speakers

and other activities related to understanding the workings of the justice system. The Criminal Justice Club currently hosts our annual "Criminal Justice Day." We celebrate our discipline with criminal justice speakers and a networking event featuring federal, state, and local employers. CJ Day occurs in November every year and is always open to the public. Join us for our next Criminal Justice Day event!

The Gamma Chi chapter of Alpha Phi Sigma, the National Criminal Justice Honor Society, is open to Criminal Justice majors and minors:

  1. with at least 60 credits (12 of which must be in Criminal Justice courses)
  2. who maintain a 3.4 GPA overall and in Criminal Justice courses.

As a service organization, Alpha Phi Sigma raises money and collects donations for various organizations that help crime victims. This organization also collaborates with the Criminal Justice Club on trips and hosted speakers. Once you are a member, you are a member for life. Your membership benefits include a network of Criminal Justice academics and professionals from around the world. Alpha Phi Sigma also offers scholarship opportunities for member students. Find out more!

Graduate Studies

Our students have gone on to earn Master’s and Doctorate degrees. Our graduates have high acceptance rates and thrive in graduate programs. Several of our former students are now professors of Criminal Justice at other universities throughout the United States. Recently, students have attended graduate programs at:

  • St. Vincent College
  • Indiana University of Pennsylvania
  • Slippery Rock University
  • Point Park University

and many others.

Our graduates have also earned law degrees and are practicing attorneys. Many have attended law schools in the area including the University of Pittsburgh and Duquesne University Schools of Law.

Study Abroad

Study abroad is open to all eligible students. Several study abroad programs are specific to Criminal Justice, or address Criminal Justice topics.

One of the study abroad programs run by our faculty member, Dr. Tim Holler, is a study abroad program in Ireland. The Comparative Justice in Ireland Program is a 2-week intensive May-mester study abroad experience. You will explore the inner workings of the Irish system of justice and compare it to the justice process in the United States. The trip includes site visits and speaker experiences that will broaden your understanding of the concept of justice.

Want to take a study abroad trip that is not Criminal Justice-related? Explore your options for study abroad or study-within (inside the US).

Pitt-Greensburg Study Abroad opportunities »

Research Efforts/Opportunities

Dr. Tim Holler offers students opportunities to collaborate in various research projects. These experiences are available to motivated students. Participation greatly enhance your probability of acceptance into graduate programs.

Explore Dr. Holler’s recent work:

The Prison Journal - Reintegration, Community Building, and Revitalization: An Exploration of the Community Arts & Reintegration Project

Controversial Issues in Criminal Justice: An Active Learning Approach - The Debate About Cannabis Legalization

The Impact of Natural Disasters on Systemic Political and Social Inequities in the U.S. - Other Impacts of Natural Disasters: Media Framing, Crime, and Categorical Inequality.

Forthcoming Textbook (2021) - Introduction to Corrections: Policy, Populations, and Controversial Issues.


The work you do in your courses is not limited to the classroom. You can take your academic work to professional conferences across the country. Our students have most recently presented at the Pennsylvania Criminal Justice Educators Association Annual Conference. In 2020, five students were accepted as presenters at the Annual Conference of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. Upcoming conferences include sites such as:

  • Chicago
  • Las Vegas
  • Dallas
  • San Francisco
  • New Orleans

Paid Research Opportunity

The Center for Applied Research (CFAR) offers Student Research Assistants (RA) a paid opportunity to do important and impactful research in the community.
In CFAR, students and faculty from numerous disciplines work together to tackle real world issues including:

  • inmate reentry
  • youth justice
  • community health needs
  • sexual violence

Working as an RA provides experiences typically only available to graduate students. As you move into your career, the skills you develop as an RA can set you apart from other Criminal Justice graduates. Find out more about CFAR and how you can become a paid RA.